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Top 6 Natural, hormone-Free treatments for hot flashes

black cohosh herbs for menopause hot flashes menopause natural hormone night sweats Jan 12, 2022


Do you have hot flashes?


Have you ever been hanging out somewhere in public, maybe chatting with the checker at the grocery store, maybe at dinner with your family, and all of a sudden you feel like you need to escape from your clothing? Or you can feel the beads of sweat on your forehead but aren’t sure if it’s more conspicuous to wipe them away or just leave them?  Or you ask the person next to you why it’s so hot in here and then notice they are bundled in a sweater? Well welcome my friend to the world of hot flashes.


While every woman won’t have hot flashes or night sweats, most of us get to experience them at some point.  Starting in our mid to late 30’s, most women will experience a shift in their hormones, even if menopause is many years away.  PMS, cramps, heavy periods, migraines, anxiety, fatigue, and weight gain are all common symptoms of this shift.  But the most classic (and possibly the most irritating) symptom is hot flashes.


What is a hot flash?


Research is showing that women who have hot flashes have a smaller “thermoneutral zone” than other people.  The thermoneutral zone is an internal temperature that feels comfortable, where a person will neither sweat nor shiver.  Studies have found that for women who have hot flashes, a very small elevation in internal temperature (as small as .1 degree!) will cause a flash, whereas other people have a larger range of internal temperature in which they feel comfortable.


What triggers hot flashes?


While hot flashes can seem very random, anything that causes that elevation in temperature can be a trigger.  This includes stress, changes in metabolism, warming up while you sleep, or even the normal fluctuation of hormones throughout the day.  Stress hormones in particular can be a primary cause of hot flashes.


The Best Natural Ways to Avoid (or Decrease!) hot flashes:


  1. Sleep cold Temperature has been found to be a significant trigger for insomnia, especially if you are too hot.  Especially during the winter, don’t be afraid to set the thermostat to 60 degrees or even lower, and let your partner take the puffy quilt!  This can also decrease night sweats.
  2. Avoid alcohol before bedthis is one of the worst triggers for hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia. Red wine seems to be the strongest trigger.  Even if it helps you fall asleep, it can cause you to wake in the middle of the night with symptoms.
  3. Avoid sugar before bed–A blood sugar spike before bed can trigger a blood sugar crash several hours later.  This causes the body to produce stress hormones because they help bring blood sugar back up–but it also makes you feel wide awake and can cause a hot flash!
  4. AshwagandhaThis is a powerful herb that helps the brain and body relax and manage stress.  It can help with hot flashes by decreasing your reaction to things that trigger a stress response.
  5. Black cohosh–This is a classic remedy for hot flashes that has been used for hundreds of years.  It is particularly useful when estrogen levels are starting to fall postmenopausally.
  6. Dong Quai–This is a Chinese herb that helps to balance the overall functioning of the reproductive system.


Want to know more about how to balance your hormones naturally?  Check out my ebook “the Women’s Guide to Hormone Transformation” 

Ready for the next step?  The next round of the Women’s Hormone Transformation Masterclass starts February 1st! Find out more here!

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